Da Bei Nong Innovation Fund is an agricultural technology innovation fund initiat-ed and established by Dabeinong Group as a cornerstone investor, in conjunctionwith relevant industrial units and professional institutions.
The fund is mainly oriented to the world's agricultural technology frontier, the mainbattlefield of the agricultural economy, and the major national needs. It is commit-ted to mining and investing in the major technological achievements of agriculturaltechnology innovation subjects and agricultural high-tech enterprises. It focuses onthe transformation, application, and promotion of original and leading industrialtechnological achievements in modern agriculture, biomedicine, and new-genera-tion information technology that can be applied to agricultural scenarios. There-fore, it will boost the incubation and industrialization of China's modern agricultur-al "hard technology", and contribute to the realization of becoming a modern andstrong country in terms of agriculture.
由北京大北农科技集团股份有限公司作为基石投资人联合行业相关单位发起设立的农业科技创新基金主要服务于具有重大技术突破的现代农业创新领域 -
大北农科创基金具备产业背景,行业龙头有丰富、前沿的产业科技储备项目: 科研实力雄厚,有丰富的科技价值判断能力,科技成果转化落地的重要商业环境和平台基金合作单位与基金发起人大北农集团是以邵根伙博士为代表的青年学农知识分子创立的农业高科技企业。自1993年创建以来,大北农集团始终秉承“报国兴农、争创第一、共同发展”的企业理念,致力于以科技创新推动我国现代农业发展。2010年,大北农集团在深圳证券交易所挂牌上市《股票代码002385),成功登录资本市场。目前,大北农布局饲料科技产业、养猪科技产业、作物科技产业、动保疫苗科技产业、农业互联网产业等。
Da Bei Nong Innovation Fund has an industrial back-ground and a wealth of industrial technology reserveprojects. The company has strong scientific researchstrength, rich technological value judgment capabili-ties, and an important business environment andplatform fortransforming technological achieve-ments.
Dabeinong Group, the cooperative unit and the spon-sor of the fund, is an agricultural high-tech enterprisefounded by young agricultural intellectuals represent-ed by Dr, Shao Genhuo, Since its establishment in1993, Dabeinong Group has always been adhering tothe enterprise philosophy of "serving the country andprospering agriculture, striving for the first, and devel-oping together", and is committed to promoting thedevelopment of modern agriculture in China throughscientific and technological innovation. In 2010,Dabeinong Group was listed on Shenzhen StockExchange (Stock Code: 002385). So far, DabeinongGroup has laid out areas of feed technology, pig-rais-ing technology, crop technology, animal healthvaccine technology, and the agricultural Internet, etc.