分子标记辅助选择 助力玉米抗病性改良
Maize is the world's main food crop, also known as the "king of feed" and an important industrial and energy raw material. Conventional breeding techniques have a long cycle and low selection rate of excellent parental inbred lines, making it difficult to select the desired variety in a short period of time. In recent years, the application of biotechnology such as haploid breeding, molecular marker assisted breeding, and gene editing breeding has improved the efficiency of maize breeding and opened up new avenues for maize breeding.
分子标记辅助选择(Molecular Marker Assisted Selection, MAS)是通过筛选与目标性状调控基因紧密连锁的分子标记,而不是基于性状本身进行选择的育种选择策略,将分子标记技术与传统育种相结合,具有高效、可靠、安全等优点,可以在作物全生育期进行选择,极大地缩短了育种年限。
Molecular Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) is a breeding selection strategy that selects molecular markers that are closely linked to the regulatory genes of target traits, rather than selection based on the traits themselves. The combination of molecular marker technology and traditional breeding has the advantages of high efficiency, reliability and safety, and can be selected during the whole growth period of crops, greatly shortening the breeding life.
Advantages of molecular marker-assisted selection
The application of molecular markers has greatly improved the efficiency and accuracy of trait selection. In maize breeding, marker-assisted selection determines the existence of target genes by analyzing molecular markers closely linked to target genes, greatly speeding up the transfer and utilization of target genes, thereby improving the efficiency of backcross breeding, eliminating unfavorable related traits earlier, and designing and cultivating ideal varieties.
The occurrence degree of disease is closely related to the environment, and the phenotype observed in natural disease is the result of the interaction of genotype, environment and pathogenic bacteria, and the error is large. However, the work of artificial inoculation identification is heavy and the cost is high. Therefore, selection by molecular marker resistance of major resistance genes is more advantageous than traditional phenotypic selection. Since the birth of molecular marker-assisted breeding, the most successful aspect of its use is the improvement of disease resistance.
现阶段我国玉米生产中的大部分常见病害,如穗腐病、丝黑穗病、大斑病、灰斑病、南方锈病、茎腐病、粗缩病、矮花叶病等,都已克隆到一些相关基因,并可以开展分子标记辅助改良的工作。通过MAS首次成功地改良了我国骨干玉米自交系粗缩病抗性。利用分子标记辅助选择技术和回交转育技术,获得单抗丝黑穗病和单抗茎腐病的玉米自交系。通过标记辅助的基因聚合,抗玉米叶枯病和南方锈病基因/QTL也被聚合到5个优良玉米品系中。利用抗南方锈病基因进行分子标记辅助选择, 组配出抗南方锈病的改良品种。利用MAS技术对黑穗病感病的10个玉米自交系进行抗性改良,在黑穗病抗性上均表现出明显的提高。其他一些玉米病害,如叶部病害灰斑病,病毒病害矮花叶病、大斑病等,都已经有较为成熟的分子标记辅助育种技术,并初步用于育种改良工作。