
大北农科创基金荣登“IFA 2022年度产业资本”榜单

2022国际未来农业食品百强峰会(International Future AgriFood Top 100  Summit,简称IFA)近日在陕西杨凌成功举办。本次峰会由35斗发起,陕西省商务厅、杨凌示范区管委会主办,杨凌示范区产业投资促进局、杨凌食品工程创新中心承办。峰会邀请了70余位产业嘉宾参与,设置有百强峰会开幕式暨全体大会、数字农业及智能装备分论坛、未来食品及产业创投分论坛、政企交流会、未来农业食品展、未来农业食品百强颁奖晚宴等10余场产业活动。

The 2022 International Future Agri-Food Top 100 Summit, or IFA, was successfully held in Yangling, Shaanxi province. The summit was initiated by 35 Dou, hosted by Shaanxi Provincial Department of Commerce and Management Committee of Yangling Demonstration Zone, and hosted by Industrial Investment Promotion Bureau of Yangling Demonstration Zone and Yangling Food Engineering Innovation Center. The summit invited more than 70 industrial guests to participate in, and set up more than 10 industrial activities such as the opening ceremony and plenary session of the Top 100 Summit, digital agriculture and intelligent equipment sub-forum, future food and industrial venture capital sub-forum, government and enterprise exchange, Future Agri-food exhibition, Future Agri-food Award dinner, etc.



35 Dou, an innovation service platform for the future Agri-food industry, released the "2022 Top 100 International Future Agri-food" list at the conference. Da Bei Nong Innovation Fund was awarded the honor of "Annual Industrial capital".



Technological innovation is the fundamental force that determines the modernization of agricultural food, while capital is the booster of industrial development. In the current wave of agricultural innovation, more than 100 billion funds have entered the field of agricultural innovation, which has greatly promoted the process of agricultural innovation.


Da Bei Nong Innovation Fund is an agricultural technology innovation fund initiated and established by Dabeinong Group as a cornerstone investor, in conjunction with relevant industrial units and professional institutions.

基金主要面向世界农业科技前沿、面向农业经济主战场、面向国家重大需求,致力于挖掘和投资农业科技创新主体和农业高新技术企业的重大科技成果,重点关注现代农业及可应用于农业场景的 生物医药和新一代信息技术领域原创性、引领性的行业核心关键共性技术成果的转化应用和示范推广,助推我国现代农业“硬科技” 孵化和产业化进程,为实现中国农业强国梦贡献力量!

The Fund is mainly oriented to the world's agricultural technology frontier, the main battlefield of agricultural economy, and the major national needs. It is committed to mining and investing in the major technological achievements of agricultural technology innovation subjects and agricultural high-tech enterprises. It focuses on the transformation, application, and promotion of original and leading industrial technological achievements in modern agriculture, biomedicine, and new-generation information technology that can be applied to agricultural scenarios. Therefore, it will boost the incubation and industrialization of China's modern agricultural "hard technology", and contribute to the realization of becoming a modern and strong country in terms of agriculture.
